Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes

Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes
Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes
Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes
Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes
Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes
Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes
Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes
Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes
Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes
Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes

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Title: Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures and Glazes
Author(s): TARANTINO, Jim
ISBN: 9781580086141
Category: Food & Drink
New / Used: New
Book Type: Large Softcover
Published: 2006
Published By: Ten Speed Press;
Pages: 354
Size (mm): 205 w x 255 h x 27 d


New book. Light crazing on covers edges. Images depict all need to know details.


In this revised and expanded edition of his bestselling book, grilling guru Jim Tarantino explains the art and science of marinades, brines, and rubs and presents more than 400 savory, sweet, and spicy recipes.

Featuring 150 brand-new recipes and sections on brines, cures, and glazes, this marinating bible is chock-full of ideas for preparing moist and flavorful beef, poultry, vegetables, and more—both indoors and out—including: Apple Cider Brine, Zesty Jalapeño Lime Glaze, Tapenade Marinade, Ancho-Espresso Dry Rub, Grilled Iberian Pork Loin with Blood Orange–Sherry Sauce, and Vietnamese Grilled Lobster Salad.

Marinades, Rubs, Brines, Cures & Glazes provides home cooks with hundreds of mouthwatering recipes and fail-safe techniques, so you can grill, steam, sauté, roast, and broil with confidence.

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